Evita Carrasco |
“The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale.” - Susan Stewart
This is a photo of the side of Red Rocks stadium in Morrison Colorado. Lots of people go here everyday to hike, walk and take in the sheer scale of the rock formations. Here we see the vast and empty stairs that can hold at least 5,000 people. This contrast against the scale of the two people, enjoying looking up at the rock formations that lean against the center of the venue.
Evita Carrasco |
“The souvenir speaks to a context of a origin through a language of longing, for it is not an object arising out of need or use value.” - Susan Stewart
Me and my sister loved when the “party” couch was put together. The “party” couch was normally used for watching movies, but sometimes it would be created because our dad needed to clean. Here, we are using this opportunity to use “party” couch as a launching pad as me and my sister enjoy jumping from the window ledge into the fluffy, homemade, blue fabric. This relates to the longing I have for these times. There nothing sentimental in this photo besides the feeling. “Party” couch can be created whenever, but I can no longer enjoy it as much as I did when I was a kid.
Evita Carrasco |
“The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensional into the miniature, that which can be enveloped in the body.” - Susan Stewart
When my family had just purchased this old RV from Craigslist, we took it around to the east coast for the summer. We were on this dry, dusty road with nothing but flat land on either side of the road. We had to be either in Nebraska or Kansas. I don’t know how he found it, but we turned into this “park” to walk around and stretch our legs. The lake seemed out of no where compared to the dusty road we were recently one. But, we enjoyed the shade and breeze for a bit before my mom thought she saw “bear” tracks. Here, I think about the emptiness of this lake, the lack of people occupying the area and it randomly spawning into our plane.
Evita Carrasco |
“To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimens and trophy.” - Susan Stewart
I was running errands with my parents begging to stop by edible arrangements. This was some kind of free gift I had gotten for “T-Mobile Tuesday”. \ It was one of the first photo’s I had shared on the recently popping social app, VSCO. What’s funny to me, in this photo, I can see the poorly DIY ripped jeans I had made myself since my mom said I couldn’t buy any because they were “stupid”. Related to the quote, I feel myself as the specimen, and the dipped fruit as my trophy for that day.
Evita Carrasco |
“The place of origin must remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated”
In Maine over the summer, my mom had the tendencies to need time alone or else we’d see a monster. My dad got me and my sister out of the house so we could walk the dogs together somewhere. We noticed this open field were there was an empty “nature” grade school. It was like we had walked into a small community. The emptiness was a bit eerie. In this, I find the quote fitting because here the school was essentially unavailable, unoccupied and a bit abandoned. But it was also a school, a place that generates desire for learning.